About Us

Take Back Your Power

Our Mission


Too many divorce attorneys fail to inquire whether their clients were victims of abuse - and fail to inform abused women of their potential legal right to also sue their abusive husbands for physically hurting them and causing injuries. This failure may cause abused wives to lose thousands of dollars to which they otherwise may be entitled to recover as an injury judgment debt owed to them by their abusive husbands in a divorce.

DivorceInjury.com was created as a public service to educate both the public as well as lawyers as to the legal rights abused women may have, and to provide a way to help abused women more easily find divorce attorneys who are ALSO willing to provide information and potential legal services to file personal injury lawsuits arising from divorce injury claims against abusive spouses. By so doing, abused women may be legally empowered to hold abusive husbands personally and financially accountable to them - and have the potential to dramatically improve the divorce outcomes for millions of abused women.

Abuse can be perpetrated by anyone regardless of gender. However, research consistently shows that most physical abuse incidents within intimate relationships are overwhelmingly committed by men. Consequently, our mission focuses primarily on helping abused women. Nevertheless, any abuse victim should consult an attorney.

We believe that victims of abuse should be informed of their legal right to access the civil justice system for redress of all wrongs and grievances where personal abuse is inflicted. We further believe that for the public peace and tranquility, all men and women should step forward and use their ability in bringing offenders against good laws to punishment.

Some may mistakenly assume that DivorceInjury.com is anti-marriage. To the contrary, we believe that marriage is good, beautiful, sacred, and can be the most fulfilling of personal relationships. However, when one spouse violates the marriage by abusing their spouse, the abused victim may need legal help to get out, hold the abusive spouse accountable, and recover their life. DivorceInjury.com is not anti-marriage... rather, it is anti-abuse.

Our Services for the Public/Victims

  • Educating victims of abuse of their rights to sue abusers
  • Provide a free legal directory service to the public
  • Public Awareness speaking at conferences & conventions

Our Services for Attorneys

  • Educating attorneys
  • Legal Directory for attorneys who may sue abusive spouses
  • Free CLE (including Malpractice Prevention) for attorneys